Anuja Borude on Pakhawaj and Madhuvanti Pal Murali Mohan on Rudra Veena

Dhrupad isn't merely a genre of music; it’s a lifestyle, a philosophy, a practice. As teachers of dhrupad, our goal is to help the student—irrespective of culture, age, and musical background—embody this philosophy.

This is why dhrupad and veena were taught in the Guru-Sishya tradition of the student living with the guru. The entire day becomes a lesson, with the guru assessing the student’s potential, discovering what they ought to learn, and imparting philosophical and spiritual guidance that can help them grow. Meanwhile, the student closely observes the guru, witnessing how these teachings are practiced, and applying this profound philosophy to their own lives.

Modern technology frees us to teach students from across the world, but how does one teach the ethics, codes of conduct, and philosophy meant to be learned through living with the guru? This is why our lessons won’t follow the format of a standard music class. We may explore one concept, discuss a single technique, or simply share stories. These are the things that make the greatest impact upon one's understanding of this tradition.

My goal is to not only teach you this form of music. My goal is to take you beyond your own limitations, to help you touch that dimension of life which is timeless. My goal is to assist you in becoming a great human being.